In today’s modern world, there is an expectation for any reputable company to have some kind of online presence. Potential customers would likely be distrusting of any business that didn’t have a Website. This is a useful tool to share crucial information about your business with customers and answer all the What’s and Why’s that they may have. What’s more, having a good quality, easy-to-use website makes customers feel comfortable using your services as they will assume they can expect the same positive experience in all areas of your business.

Main components  of a Website layout


The header is the top portion of the website, often containing the website logo as well as the main menu. The header is often a permanent fixture of the website, where the main content might scroll beneath it. The header contains information that is important to website navigation.


The body area of a website is the area of the website that contains the most content. There are a number of different kinds of content. Specific pages will contain specific content. The home page depicted contains examples of these types of content in ways that would be displayed on a home page.


The footer is the round-up of the website. Typically the footer will contain important links on the website, or, sometimes, links to all of the pages of the website. A copyright and date stamp is common, to protect the information on your website and let visitors know when your website was last updated. Any other pertinent information – perhaps a mini contact form, a CTA, a scrolling photo gallery, or any other permanent information you would like to display at the end of every page – is contained in the footer.

Advanced Headers

Header With Slide-in Menu


A Slide-in menu is a menu that will slide in from the side after clicking on the hamburger icon.

Single page website design

A one-page website is a website that consists of a single web page.

Rather than having a navigation menu that takes readers to another page when clicked, the browser instead jumps to the specific section of the page.



Custom Web Design and Development

We create a custom website design that represents your brand and values. We then develop your custom design into a fully responsive website, ready for screen sizes from all devices.

Web layout design in Photoshop